His Journey with Cancer

Congratulations to this years NHL Alumni Ace Bailey Award for Courage our man Earl!!!!!

Darby and I (along with 26 others) were there to accept the award for him. It was a grand event, but could never compare to the grandness of Heaven.

Feb 28, 2009

Surgery a Success

Hi Everyone,

Earl had his surgery on Tuesday and it was short (only 1 hour 10 mins) and everything went very well. They were able do the surgery with a scope which was great news as it will make for a quicker recovery for Earl and it enabled them to get a good look around the lung, which was healthy and showed no other tumors and to remove the tumor. Earl had a bit of a hard time with pain...I am not too impressed with the pain management provided, but Earl is a trooper and made it through the pain. He was feeling more like himselft yesterday and he may even come home today.

I will update again later and share the rest of the story, but right now I need to get on my way to the hospital.


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