Aug 26, 2011

News from toronto

well here we are in Toronto and it's Friday. On Monday we went to Toronto general hospital as instructed for blood work and then returned on Tuesday morning for a CT Scan and an ultra sound. I wasn't feeling convinced that surgery was going to go it instinct or whatever you want, but there were questions and such that made me suspicious. Because of the results of the CT Scan we were told they now wanted to do an ultra sound, so we proceeded to that dept. we were told that a radiologist from Princess Margaret was coming over to perform the test himself and that he may do a specialized test called and contrast ultra sound. We met him and after to your basic ultra sound he did want to do the one with contrast, so we changed rooms and joined two other Drs.. As they were doing the test I heard talk of the liver and wanted to tell them they were looking in the wrong place but something told me they know what they are doing. After sometime they discussed calling in earls surgeons, who came in short order actually leaving a surgery to check in with Earl. Dot dot dot...after much measuring and discussions they were done and Dr Jewett asked to peak to me outside. He told me in a very kind and caring way that the tumor had grown again and because the vena cava was full of tumor it had to find a new path, that being the liver. Under these new circumstances the surgery would be too high risk and performing could very well cost Earl his life.

So we will return home and meet on Tuesday with dr Wong to discuss chemotherapy again!

Earl being the trooper that he is took the news very very well, I think he feels he dodged a bullet in the surgery and is keen to move on to what he calls PLAN B

I on the other hand feel like my cup runneth over with stress!
But with Earls positive attitude and all our friends family and supporters we will carry on. To those of you who continue to pray for us please don't stop for we have not lost hope. I still believe that God has a special purpose for Earl and he will keep working on it.

Please know that your thoughts and prayers give us life and encouragment.
We love you
Debbie, Darby and Earl


  1. hope everything goes well

  2. hope everything goes well

  3. More people should have your courage... Take care and we wish you well....
