His Journey with Cancer

Congratulations to this years NHL Alumni Ace Bailey Award for Courage our man Earl!!!!!

Darby and I (along with 26 others) were there to accept the award for him. It was a grand event, but could never compare to the grandness of Heaven.

Mar 19, 2011

CBC.ca | The Current | His Name is Earl: Documentary

CBC.ca | The Current | His Name is Earl: Documentary

1 comment:

bennettj@mts.net said...

You are a very very cool guy Earl. I hope to meet you some day. I work with youth in jail just west of winnipeg. You have so much to share with the world. My guys would be very impressed with your courage.Please allow me to think of you as a Hero.

Getting to know Earl

Getting to know Earl
Earl and the Kickers

Earl's Trip To Minnie

Earl's Trip To Minnie

Checking out the New Guys

Checking out the New Guys
Earl and Paul Lapolice

Earl Cook

planning block

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